Your tax advisor in Hamburg, Berlin and Germany


Meet the experts

Stephanie Karsties

Tax advisor in Hamburg

We have over ten years professional experience advising domestic and multinational companies within various industries.

Michaela Rother

Tax advisor in Berlin (Dipl.-Kffr. (FH))

Tax Advisor & Allrounder

personally & competently

efficiently & digital

Tax Compliance & Consulting

The tax compliance services include e.g. the registration of the company for tax purposes, all tax returns - as VAT, Corporate Income Tax, Trade Tax, Withholding Tax - and the representation to the (tax) authorities.

We also assist you with structural changes, cash flow management and any other tax and business matters. Do you plan an investment and need capital? Or do you need an overview about your liquidity?

Accounting & Payroll

Preparation of the bookkeeping on a monthly, quarterly and/or yearly basis according to German GAAP including reconciliation to your accounting system.

This service also include payment transaction processing, VAT returns, Intrastat declarations and any further reportings (i.e. to the German Federal Bank, Federal Statistical Office).

Development, implementation and integration of reporting systems.

Financial statements

Preparation of the statutory financial statement based on German GAAP including tax law. If applicable, we also prepare a reconciliation to your accounting standard (IFRS, US GAAP, Danish GAAP etc).

Assistance for your accounting team

Do you would like to prepare the German bookkeeping in your Accounting team?

It is crucial that all tax obligations and accounting duties will be met. We can assist!

- training of the accounting team in all relevant German GAAP and tax matters

- Improvement projects concerning your accounting system

- Implementation of processing the German bookkeeping 

- Implementation of cost accounting

- Development and implementation of accounting manuals


Please do not hesitate to contact us at